Virtual Global Educational Exchange Platform (VGEEP)
An Extensive Networking for English Language lovers, from anywhere in the world to anywhere you want to reach.

LingoXchange is inspired from ‘’ Language and Exchanging Opportunities’’.
As an innovative education provider, we are determined to establish a strong global unity and solidarity via Education and Technology.
LingoXchange is the emerging successful social networking platform which opens up opportunities for English language communication, enabling users to meet new friends and alliances from all over the world online.
The platform will bring new opportunities for its members to enable capacity-building, providing them with the knowledge and excellent networking required to create a better future for themselves.
A rich variety of programmes will soon be offered to our registered members.
We are bringing you a unique learning and social networking experience than can be accessed from and to anywhere in the world. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, we will connect you to the whole world via our friendly language learning community platform.

The communities at LingoXchange are varied and extensive, and you can be part of them, anytime, from anywhere! So, who are they?

Student-Centric Community
Students will be able to join virtual seminars to participate in English language skills enhancement programmes.

Teacher-Centric Community
Teachers would benefit from Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars.

Education Institution/Provider Community
Education providers will be able to adopt a range of skills that will improve the quality of their services for their students and instructors.

B-7-2 and B-7-3(Unit 1-5) Megan Avenue 2, Block B, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng Kuala Lumpur.